Drinking and driving: regulations and penalties

Drinking and driving is responsible for many road accidents each year. A scourge that causes many deaths and impacts entire families. When you want to become a private driver, it is interesting to know the regulations and the penalties that apply if you are caught with too much alcohol in your blood.
Blood alcohol level
The blood alcohol level is the amount of alcohol present in the blood and is measured in grams per liter of blood. We know its level thanks to a blood test or a breathalyzer. The maximum allowed is 0.5 g of alcohol per liter of blood or 0.25 mg of alcohol per liter of exhaled air or one glass of alcohol on average.
Means of detection
The screening can be done by the police during a control at the time of an offense or yourself to check your rate in case of party. Testing is mandatory in case of an accident or an offense and can be done in case of an accident with bodily injury or in case of a traffic violation.
The penalties
If you drive with a blood alcohol level equal or superior to 0,5g/l you risk a fine of up to 750 € and a suspension of your driving license for 3 years.
If you exceed 0.8g/l you risk a fine of up to 4,500 €, a prison sentence of up to 2 years, a suspension of your license for up to 3 years and/or a confiscation of your vehicle.