Waiting for Christmas, Beausoleil ran!

In anticipation of Christmas and the traditional decorations whose reflections sparkle on the windshields of the interminable lines of cars, in late November Beausoleil hosted an event exciting enough to make everyone forget the Principality’s over-clogged roads. Each year, No Finish Line invites participants to run for a good cause. Were you there? Leave a comment about your experience on the site to reserve your private driver and car in Beausoleil.
No Finish Line
It is hard for Beausoleil to host a foot race since it is just 1.25 miles long with an even tinier width that plummets to the sea. And even a half-marathon becomes impossible to imagine when you realize that car traffic is already such a headache that you are better off hiring a private driver. So a race with no end… And yet! “No Finish Line” has been around for 20 years to raise money for the Children and Future association. For eight days, anyone can register to run the course created on the Fontvieille Bridge — without stopping. Each kilometer run results in one euro donated by the association to its projects for children. Activities including karaoke and other surprises made the event a real party for children and adults despite the rain!
Make your outings easier with your own private driver!